Month: November 2014

An Angel’s Wing

Elegant and beautiful.

Hello there! What have you been up to?

Art seems to be pouring out of me and I can’t stop it! Nor do I want to! Working on the 100 faces project has really been very inspiring and I’m learning SO much!

I do love creating faces but it was nice this week to take a break from eyes, noses and mouths and work on a different piece for a dear friend…

Remember this one?

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Well…it got a little makeover…

My friend had me add an Angel’s wing to it…a brilliant idea!

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Then we had to have a little fun…Screen Shot 2014-11-19 at 7.08.25 PM

I was stunned to find that the wing fit her perfectly. So sweet!

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And then she took it home and put it right back up over the mantel. 🙂

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She loves it so much more now and I do too! I’m thinking I might have to do “Wing” series of…

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Everest: Part II

Because I said i would.


dingbochehike3The view from Dingboche.

Part I

And so begins the second part of the Everest adventure! Where last I left off, I was in Namche Bazaar. We spent two nights in Namche, hiking up several hours the day after we arrived and then returning down to Namche in order to acclimatize. I, however, did not. By that point, the illness in my lung had progressed to what sounded like bronchitis, and I was having trouble breathing. I briefly attempted the day hike but quickly had to turn back, instead spending a good part of my day in bed, concerned I was not going to make it much farther up the mountain. I ventured into Namche briefly, purchasing both the cheapest Mars bars (88 cents) and the most expensive gummy bears (4 dollars) I had ever seen. Relatedly, I am considering quitting my job to enter the gummy bear import business in…

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Everest: Part I

A journey in Mt. Everest. Haven’t experienced it myself, but I sure as heck enjoyed this. I’ll be re-blogging the 2nd part too.


Okay, so I trekked to Everest Base Camp in the beginning of October.

ebcsignThe beginning of the path to Base Camp.

I thought it would be fun to do a few entries on it! I took approximately 23984728374^23 pictures, so I’m going to split them into separate entries (and I’ll do a separate entry for Kathmandu at the very end). Let’s skip to the fun trekking part! And as always, click on any picture to make it bigger!

To begin the ascent to Everest Base Camp, you usually take a small plane from Kathmandu (capital of Nepal) to Lukla.

nepalairportThis is the hot mess that is the local flights part of the Kathmandu airport.

You can do it the Hillary and Tenzing way and ascend from Kathmandu, but that’s just silly. …I, however, briefly considered it when I saw the plane.


I am frightened of planes. I get scared inside…

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