Category: Video

I’ve been thinking about this whole blogging thing…

So, I’m online and what pops into my head? “Cherry Poppin’ Daddies”. When I first heard the name, as perverted as I am, you can imagine what was going through my head, kinda’ creepy but, then they go and record one of my favorite songs. So, I figured I share it with you.

Amazing blog: Invisible People

I’m glad you posted this and I look forward to reading your blog. It made me think of someone, Tommy Mcinnis, who wrote a book, “Last Stop: A Survivor’s Story” A story about his life on the street, and everything after. I thought it was heartfelt and inspiring, so I’m glad we could meet, so to speak. 🙂

Mavadelo's mindscape

Wow, I was doing a bit of blog hopping when I found a video containing the story of a homeless man in Chicago. the video linked to an account on YouTube that had a link to their site

The site is set up by a cameraman who has been homeless himself too and he felt the need to do something. as he tells it on his about page

The purpose of this vlog is to make the invisible visible. I hope these people and their stories connect with you and don’t let go. I hope their conversations with me will start a conversation in your circle of friends.

After you get to know someone by watching their story, please pause for a few moments and write your thoughts in the comments section, or maybe email them to a friend and link back to this vlog . By keeping this dialog open…

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9/11: 13 Years On…

J.M. Weselby @ Magpie Creative Writing Services

I don’t often share things I haven’t created myself, but on the thirteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, I don’t want to get all political or analytical about current international conflicts, or challenge the bad decisions that have come before, from all sides. That’s for another day.

I just want to share something with you that gave me a little bit of hope. Thanks to TED for the video.

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